GGMolVis Installation Guide as a Python Module
This guide provides instructions for installing GGMolVis as a Python module, along with its dependencies. Please note that this method of installation does not involve running Blender’s GUI; instead, you will interact with GGMolVis through Python.
Installation Steps
Install GGMolVis with `conda`
First, clone the GGMolVis repository from GitHub:
git clone cd ggmolvis
Next, create and activate the conda environment specified in the repository:
conda env create -f devtools/conda-envs/test_env.yaml conda activate ggmolvis-test
Then, install GGMolVis in editable mode:
python -m pip install -e .
Verify the installation by checking the version number:
python -c "import ggmolvis; print(ggmolvis.__version__)"
Currently, only Python 3.11 is supported.
Install GGMolVis with `uv`
If you have [uv]( installed, you can do:
uv venv -p 3.11 source .venv/bin/activate uv pip install 'ggmolvis @' uv pip install 'mdanalysis @ git+' # optionally: install jupyter-related things uv pip install ipython ipykernel jupyter
Currently, rendering in VSCode gives a PIL-related error, but the rendering itself finishes successfully, if you simply open the image saved on disk in /tmp
(Optional) Install a Different Version of MolecularNodes
If you need a development or alternative version of MolecularNodes, you can install it as follows:
git clone cd MolecularNodes python -m pip install -e .
Start JupyterLab using the ggmolvis-test environment:
jupyter lab
When JupyterLab opens, select the ggmolvis-test kernel in the Launcher or from the Kernel menu. No Blender GUI will appear during usage.
In a Jupyter notebook cell, run the following commands to confirm that GGMolVis is installed correctly:
import ggmolvis print(ggmolvis.__version__) print(ggmolvis.__file__)
If GGMolVis is properly installed, these commands will print the currently installed version and the file path for the GGMolVis module.
You are now ready to use GGMolVis as a Python module!