Source code for ggmolvis.ggmolvis


GGmolVis is a high-level API for creating molecular visualizations in Blender.
It is built on top of the `MolecularNodes` Blender add-on.
It provides a simple and intuitive interface for creating complex molecular visualizations
with just a few lines of code.

.. autoclass:: GGMolVis
import bpy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import molecularnodes as mn
from molecularnodes.entities.trajectory import Trajectory
from molecularnodes.entities.trajectory.selections import Selection
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.core.groups import Atom, AtomGroup
import numpy as np
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator, ValidationError

from . import SESSION
from .base import GGMolvisArtist

from .world import World
from .camera import Camera
from .light import Light
from .properties import Color, Material
from .sceneobjects import SceneObject, Text, Molecule, Shape, Line
from .utils import validate_properties

from loguru import logger

[docs] class GGMolVis(GGMolvisArtist): """Top level class that contains all the elements of the visualization. It is similar to a `Figure` in matplotlib. It contains all the `Molecule`, `Shape`, `Text`, `Camera`, `Light`, and `World` objects. It also contains the global settings for the visualization like `subframes`. It is a singleton class, so only one instance will be created in a session. During initialization, it creates a global camera and a global world for object transformation. The global camera is set to a default position and rotation. The global world transformation is set to no positional, rotational, or scaling transformation. The artists are stored in a dictionary with keys as the type of the artist and values as the list of artists of that type. Properties: ----------- molecules: list List of all `Molecule` objects in the visualization shapes: list List of all `Shape` objects in the visualization texts: list List of all `Text` objects in the visualization cameras: list List of all `Camera` objects in the visualization lights: list List of all `Light` objects in the visualization worlds: list List of all `World` transformation objects in the visualization global_world: World The global world transformation object global_camera: Camera The global camera object subframes: int Number of subframes to render. It will be a global setting for all objects. Default is 1 """ def __new__(cls): if hasattr(SESSION, 'ggmolvis'): # If SESSION already has an instance, return that instance return SESSION.ggmolvis logger.debug("Creating new GGMolVis") # Otherwise, create a new instance instance = super().__new__(cls) SESSION.ggmolvis = instance # Store the instance in SESSION instance._initialized = False return instance def __init__(self): if self._initialized: return self._initialized = True super().__init__() self.session.ggmolvis = self self._artists_dict = { 'molecules': [], 'shapes': [], 'texts': [], 'cameras': [Camera(name='global_camera')], 'lights': [], 'worlds': [World()] } self._global_world = self.worlds[0] self._global_camera = self.cameras[0] self._subframes = 0 # pre-defined camera position'MolecularNodes'), -4, 1.3)), 0, 0)) # set up the scene self._set_scene() self._update_frame(bpy.context.scene.frame_current) def _update_frame(self, frame_number): """Update the camera's state for the given frame""" for artist in self._artists: artist._update_frame(frame_number), frame_number) @property def _artists(self): return [item for sublist in self._artists_dict.values() for item in sublist] @property def molecules(self): return self._artists_dict['molecules'] @property def shapes(self): return self._artists_dict['shapes'] @property def texts(self): return self._artists_dict['texts'] @property def cameras(self): return self._artists_dict['cameras'] @property def lights(self): return self._artists_dict['lights'] @property def worlds(self): return self._artists_dict['worlds'] @property def global_world(self): return self._global_world @property def global_camera(self): return self._global_camera @property def subframes(self): return self._subframes @subframes.setter def subframes(self, value): self._subframes = value for molecule in self.molecules: molecule.trajectory.subframes = value def _set_scene(self): """Set up the scene with transparent background and CYCLES rendering.""" bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES' bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True try: bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = "GPU" except: pass
[docs] @validate_properties def molecule(self, universe: Union[AtomGroup, mda.Universe], style: str = 'spheres', name: str = 'atoms', location: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, rotation: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, scale: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, color='default', material='default', lens: float = 24.0): """Create a `Molecule` object and add it to the visualization. Parameters: ----------- universe: MDAnalysis.AtomGroup or MDAnalysis.Universe The AtomGroup or Universe object containing the atoms style: str The style of the molecule. Default is 'spheres' name: str The name of the molecule. Default is 'atoms' location: np.ndarray or list The location of the molecule. Default is None rotation: np.ndarray or list The rotation of the molecule. Default is None scale: np.ndarray or list The scale of the molecule. Default is None color: str The color of the molecule. Default is 'default' material: str The material of the molecule. Default is 'default' lens: float The focal length of the camera associated with the molecule. Returns: -------- molecule: Molecule The created `Molecule` object """ molecule = Molecule(atomgroup=universe.atoms, style=style, name=name, color=color, location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale, material=material, lens=lens) self.molecules.append(molecule) return molecule
[docs] @validate_properties def distance(self, atom1: Union[AtomGroup, Atom], atom2: Union[AtomGroup, Atom], name: str = 'distance', location: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, rotation: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, scale: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, mol_color: str ='default', mol_material: str ='ambient', mol_style: str ='sphere', line_color: str ='black', line_material: str ='backdrop', line_style: str ='default', ): """Create a `Distance` object and add it to the visualization. """ if atom1.universe != atom2.universe: raise ValueError("The atoms belong to different universes") mol_atoms = Molecule(atomgroup=AtomGroup(atom1 + atom2), style=mol_style, name=f'{name}_atoms', color=mol_color, location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale, material=mol_material) start_points = np.zeros((atom1.universe.trajectory.n_frames, 3)) end_points = np.zeros((atom1.universe.trajectory.n_frames, 3)) for i, ts in enumerate(atom1.universe.trajectory): start_points[i] = atom1.center_of_mass() end_points[i] = atom2.center_of_mass() line = Line(start_points=start_points, end_points=end_points, name=f'{name}_distance', location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale, color=line_color, material=line_material) self.shapes.append(line) self.molecules.append(mol_atoms) return line
[docs] @validate_properties def line(self, start_points: np.ndarray, end_points: np.ndarray, name: str = 'line', location: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, rotation: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, scale: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, color='black', material='backdrop' ): """Create a `Line` object and add it to the visualization. Parameters: ----------- start_points: np.ndarray The start points of the line end_points: np.ndarray The end points of the line name: str The name of the line. Default is 'line' location: np.ndarray or list The location of the line. Default is None rotation: np.ndarray or list The rotation of the line. Default is None scale: np.ndarray or list The scale of the line. Default is None color: str The color of the line. Default is 'black' material: str The material of the line. Default is 'backdrop' Returns: -------- line: Line The created `Line` object """ line = Line(start_points=start_points, end_points=end_points, name=name, location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale, color=color, material=material) self.shapes.append(line) return line
@staticmethod def check_color(value): if value not in raise ValueError(f"Material {value} not found in the Blender data") return value