Proposed Timeline for Serialization of Universes
With recent crushing of the exascale barrier, researchers are handling tons of molecular dynamics (MD) data every day. Implementation of parallelism of MDAnalysis plays a pivotal role in accelerating the analysis process in such turnaround. By serializing Universes, the core of MDAnalysis, analysis modules can then be utilized in parallel, and be sent over to a distributed computing framework, e.g. Dask, multiprocessing, or MPI.
I will list the proposed timeline and deliverables below for the GSoC project, Serialization of Universes:
June 1, 2020 - June 29, 2020
- Merger PR 2140, and make sure it works for all the Readers
- Raise quick-merged PR (documents what fails) & new PRs for individual tests (xfail))
- Better structurize the inheritance of pickle functionality
- Understand lib.format files (cython)
- Document what works/ not works
- Write comprehensive test for picklibility and memory leakage
- Write ‘easy’ analysis methods (not AnalysisBase based) with parallel support
- Be sure no mem leakage
- Multiprocessing
- Documentation for basic functionality
- documents what should be done for the new format
June 29, 2020 - July 3, 2020
- Evaluation I
u = mda.Universe(ANY_TOP, ANY_TRAJ) pickle.dumps(pickle.loads(u)) == u def Analysis_method(u, ts) # In joblib/multiprocessing result = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(Analysis_method)(u, ts) for ts in range(0,n_frames))
- Tests
- Documentations
July 3, 2020 - July 27, 2020
- Buffer for some unsolved problems in June
- Code cleanup for the works that have been done
- Add support for on-the-fly transformation/auxiliary
- Prototype Parallelism into AnalysisBase
July 27, 2020 - July 31, 2020
- Evaluation II
- Deliverables
- On-the-fly transformation test
- On-the-fly transformation documentation/example
Prototype for
Class AnalysisMethod(AnalysisBase) # In joblib/multiprocessing AnalysisMethod(u, n_jobs=num_cores, *arg).run()
July 31, 2020 - August 24, 2020
- Implement AnalysisBase
- Test different distributed clusters (with Dask and joblib)
- Tests and documentation
- Run benchmarks
- Write a blogpost about this new functionality (parallel analysis) and some tutorials
- Minimize the time and mem usage during pickling (Stretch goal)
August 24, 2020 - August 31, 2020
- Final evaluation